
More timetable for Real ID:

The DHS says it will issue "draft" specs for Real ID by year end. Jonathan Frenkel, director of law enforcement policy at DHS, says the draft regulations will better explain the broad mandates in the Real ID Act of 2005. The specs have been long coming because the DHS wanted to "get them right the first time." (It's quite hard to get something right the first time, but by now the DHS coud have issued four drafts, and easily gotten it right the fourth time, sooner!)

Frenkel also believes the DHS has tried to make its intentions as clear as possible so states could take steps before regulations are released for comment. Many states have in fact gone ahead with development, and it will be wonderful if we do not hear squeals of agony from them when the specs are final. The whole point of publishing specs is that it's really, really hard to get know what they are until they are final.


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