Real ID: Immigration and reality:
At, staff writer Sara A. Carter writes about illegal immigration and interviews congressman Gary Miller. I'm giving you a long quote from this article, which separates the ideal of "government by Real ID" from the reality of accepting illegal aliens:
Miller helped author the Real I.D. Act, which will create electronically readable, federally approved I.D. cards for Americans in the next three years.
T.J. Bonner, of the Border Patrol union, said politicians are too focused on plans such as the I.D. cards while ignoring the reality facing agents.
"It's the same old list of frustrating policies," he said. "We've had field agents told to sit in the same spot on patrol and told not go after illegal aliens even if they're only a few yards from them. These directives are always by word of mouth from their field office, and not written policy."
Last month, the Border Patrol agent from Arizona spotted 20 illegal immigrants attempting to enter the country from Mexico. They were all crammed into a single truck.
As usual, the agent said, he was patrolling the open border alone.
"I move east," he said. "The illegals move west. And we keep this going for hours, until I can no longer see them."
That day, the truck moved behind a hill and out of the agent's line of sight. Less than half an hour later, it was spotted heading down an Arizona highway by state police, who called it into the Border Patrol field office.
But it already was too late. By the time the truck had reached the highway, the agent no longer had authority to follow and capture the migrants. State police did not have a legal reason to stop the car. The illegal immigrants went free.
"We can see them, but we can't do a thing. How insane is that?" the agent asked.
Bonner said it's part of a larger trend.
"The administration dances to the tune of big business," he said. "Our agents are left to fend for themselves, and our borders are wide open.
"In all reality, it is as if the government does not want to enforce its own laws."
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